Monday, May 19, 2008

"Watch Your Language!"

Talk To Me - starring known and unknow actors: Don Cheadle, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Martin Sheehan, and Taraji Henson - and based upon a true story.

Excellent bio-pic! Don Cheadle plays a con who while in prison becomes a dj. A raunchy tell it like it is funny dj who sees Chiwetel Ejiofor (Dewey) while he is visiting his imprisoned brother. Dewey idolizes Johnny Carson and works at a radio station. Petey discovers this is seeing a chance elicits a " Look me up when you get out of prison" from Dewey. Petey gets out of prison and much to Dewey's chagrin and the anger of his boss, Petey looks him up and seeks a job. Eventually, Petey is given a chance and establishes himself as a morning d.j.

This movie revels through the years, Don Cheadle as Petey Greene was excellent. He was a con who grew up in Washington D.C. who seemed to turn a corner. He was very self aware. He knew his limitations unlike those who surrounded him. I enjoyed this film. I didn't know much about Petey Greene but this movie does make me want to find out more about him. Rent it.


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